A new house, a new garden... so the first spring is always a question mark... at what time will the sun be at what side of the house, where will plants appear, how big are they, colours, etc.?
Well, we have a lot of old trees in our garden, a big, hilly plot of lawn and not so many flowers, unfortunately.
Living in a rental for some years asks for some creativity...
We love a nice garden, but if we want to make it the way we really like it, it will cost a fortune and we'll probably be out already when the final result of our work will show up!
So we decided to create a nice atmosphere around the terrace and leave the rest of the garden for what it is: a woodland (pretty nice view too, by the way)!
Not finished yet but it starts to be something I like to see (big vases with white Oleander, so pretty)!
Inside we need flowers too, don't we? So here are some lovely peonies from the flower market.
Peonies, one of my favorite flowers!
And now off to the travel agency, let's see if I can still find a nice holiday spot for August...
Fingers crossed!
Take care,