Saturday 12 March 2011

Bad blogger... but happy ;-)

Some time ago I received 2 awards... a Blog Liking Award from Mariëtte at Mariëtte's back to basics

and  a Stylish Blogger Award from Hilde at Door het oog van.

I feel really honoured and would like to thank you both for these awards & I need to apologize as well for taking more than a month to react... SORRY!
But I must admit, I find it extremely difficult to pass these awards on... there are just too many beautiful, touching, creative, funny & inspiring people around in the blog-o-sphere, I feel it wouldn't be fair to just choose a few.
So these awards are for you, yes you, as a reader of my blog. I'm sure you have a blog too, so you all deserve these awards too!

Can't wait...

Happy weekend!


Mariette said...

Dearest Chantal,

Those Awards are also meant for interlinking with each other as to attract more readers to your blog.
You just enjoy your weekend and hopefully the weather is okay too.

Lots of love,


Michaja said...

Gefeliciterd met je awards!
Bisous Michaja

Unknown said...

ik vond het ook niet gemakkelijk één of meerdere blogs te kiezen, maar ik denk evenals Mariette dat het de bedoeling is om op die manier leuke/interessante/grappige/.... enzovoort blogs in de schijnwerper te zetten zodat andere bloggers/lezers ze kunnen ontdekken! Geniet van je week en het ontluikende nieuwe leven rondom jou! lieve groetjes, Hilde

bikim said...

que máximo!
são muito fofos!
take care,

Floor said...

Gefeliciteerd met je awards !!!! HOERA

Solange said...

gefeliciteerd me je welverdiende awards, altijd weer leuk om je posts te lezen en zien :-)


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