Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Some more garden pictures
Monday, 23 June 2008
Enjoying time with family and friends...
After a good (but always too long) flight we arrived safely in rainy Holland.
Fortunately, the temperature got up and the sun appeared.
Picture from internet, by Maria Bonten
Apart from lovely houses and a beautiful centre of town, nature is gorgeous as well. While walking, we passed a little church that was being renovated. Next to this little church, was a (of course white) house where they offered a garage/garden sale ánd coffee and cake (a huge necessity when walking :-0). The money raised was being used to support the renovation and restauration of this little and charming church.
So we entered the back yard and... arrived in heaven. This was sooooo beautiful, I tried to capture it in pictures, but that was hardly impossible. I would love to share some pictures with you and I hope you love it as much as I did:
Did I say too much??
Have a nice day!
Love, C.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Ready for take off

Take care everyone and hoop to meet you again soon in blogland!!
Love, C.
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Red Sunday!
Here are some red pictures I took during one of our travels. This is the 'famous' square (o quadrado) in Trancoso, Bahia.
And what do you think of our tennis player? Of course with Wilson red!
And what about these soon-to-be placemats, (ready for sewing!), in red of course...:
I really enjoyed this 'I saw red' challenge, let's see which colour follows...
Wishing you all a good beginning of the week!
Saturday, 7 June 2008
More red!
Let's see if I can find some more red to show you tomorrow!
Have a great Saturday!
Friday, 6 June 2008
I saw red!
Be sure to check here again tomorrow and Sunday, more red to follow for this 'I saw red' challenge!!
Monday, 2 June 2008
Latest creations
An ugly and boring mirror in the guests' bathroom got some flower colour!
Even the 2 bedside lights in the guest room got a make-over!