Hello All!
I read an article on My uncommon slice of suburbia today and felt it was important enough to share it with you.
Google will be making a lot of changes starting tomorrow, including their privacy policy which affects you.
Every time you search for something using google they store it. When you visit a site, google stores it. Ever wondered why you were just browsing for something and the next time you checked your e-mail account an ad came up trying to sell what you were just searching for?
No, it is not a coincidence.
Electronic Frontier Foundation says "Search data can reveal particularly sensitive information about you, including facts about your location, interests, age, sexual orientation, religion, health concerns, and more."
Once this policy takes place you are not allowed to opt out without deleting your Google account. So before the policy takes place, you can delete your Google Web History by modifying your settings.
Digital Journal shows us how to delete our web history and explains it even further.
~Please read below~
Digital Journal shows us how to delete our web history and explains it even further.
~Please read below~
1. Go to the google homepage and sign into your account.
2. Click the drop down menu next to your name in the upper-right hand corner of your screen.
2. Click the drop down menu next to your name in the upper-right hand corner of your screen.
3. Click accounts settings
4. Find the "Services section"
5. Under "Services" there is a sub-section that reads "View, enable, disable web history." Click the link next to it that reads: "Go to Web History."
6. Click on "Remove all Web History"
When you click on "Remove all Web History," a message appears that says " Web History is Paused." What this means is that while Google will continue gathering and storing information about your web history it will make all data anonymous, that is, Google will not associate your Web History information with your online accounts and will therefore be unable to send you customized search results.
Google's ability to gather personalized information about you by assigning data to your Gmail and YouTube accounts will remain "Paused" till you click "Resume."
Go ahead, have a look!
Go ahead, have a look!
DONE!!!!!! en in 1 keer goed ;)!
X thanks babes!
Het was mij al opgevallen dat 'men' veel onthoudt van je surfgedrag. Als je naar een vakantie hebt gezocht, kom je in no time deze informatie als advertentie op een hele andere site tegen. Slim zijn ze wel. Ik zal er eens naar kijken, bedankt voor de tip!
Fijne avond! Lieve groet, Ingrid
A great tip thank you!
I've done as you suggested.
Wishing you well
Shane in New Zealand
bedankt voor deze super tip! Ga dat eens rap in orde brengen!
Zelf net terug van onze Nieuw-Zeeland reis maar nog niet aan bloggen toe, heb eerst nog heel wat andere dingen in orde te brengen. bovendien moet ik 3 gemiste lessen Spaans inhalen, weer een hele dobber! Maar natuurlijk kan ik niet wachten om te komen piepen op de blogs die ik volg. hartelijke groet and I'll be back soon! Hilde
PS. de woorden intypen (om te bewijzen dat je geen robot bent) vind ik soms lastig, want niet altijd duidelijk.
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